Praise for Botanica Magnifica: "This has to be, hands down, the most gorgeous book of the year." -- ARTnews "Goes way beyond typical nature photography to reveal not just the shape and substance of these living things but also their essence." -- O, the Oprah Magazine "Art aficionados marvel at their painterly quality, and botanists are in awe of how Singer manages to capture them so true to form." -- Smithsonian Magazine "You've never seen still-lifes of flora this crisp and hyper-real before. Photographer Jonathan Singer uses cutting edge digital techniques to reveal delicate structures of plant life to often jaw-dropping effect." -- Elle Magazine "A podiatrist photographs some of the world's most endangered flowers with remarkable precision and artistry, hoping to raise the plants' profiles before it's too late." -- Audubon Magazine "...It's [Singer's] flowers, in Botanica Magnifica, that have caused quite a stir. Art aficionados marvel at their painterly quality, and botanists are in awe of how Singer manages to capture them so true to form..." -- Smithsonian(dot)com "A greenhouse between two covers." -- Reader's Digest "Botanica Magnifica is truly one of the most amazing natural history publications that has ever appeared..." -- Zoom Magazine "As rare and sublime as the marvels surveyed within its broad covers, Singer has produced a work to rest alongside some of the great botanical codexes in history, one for connoisseurs of the still-life, natural phenomena, and the photographic art." -- Library Journal "This single and singular volume...offers profound delight...Together the artist and the scientist observe and create diverse and new forms with these images." -- Bloomsbury Review "This impressive book should capture the imagination of naturalists and artists as well as the general public." -- Choice