With well-established approaches to Christie alongside hitherto understudied or new(er) approaches, the Handbook can serve as a starting point into Christie Studies, while it also presents innovative interpretations and an impressive amount of thorough research to non-newcomers to Christie.
English Studies
A thought provoking and stimulating read.
Cross-Examining Crime
Long known as crime fiction’s best-seller and finest puzzler, Agatha Christie has recently been also recognized as a real social analyst. In <i>The Bloomsbury Handbook</i> twenty-one experts, including Val McDermid, give intriguingly varied accounts of Christie the world-aware searching novelist.
Stephen Knight, Honorary Research Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia.
The volume will be of particular interest to scholars, especially for the extensive bibliographical apparatus after each chapter, while general readers attracted to Christie may be interested in discovering new dimensions that her seemingly familiar stories can open up.
Forum for Modern Language Studies
Biographical note
Mary Anna Evans is an Assistant Professor of Professional Writing at the University of Oklahoma, USA. Her fourteen crime novels have received recognition including the Benjamin Franklin Award and three Florida Book Awards bronze medals. She holds an MFA in creative writing and is a doctoral researcher at the University of Exeter. Her work has appeared in publications including Feminist Studies, The Atlantic, The Louisville Review, and CrimeReads.
J.C. Bernthal is Visiting Lecturer at Middlesex University, UK. His publications include Queering Agatha Christie, The Ageless Agatha Christie and, with Rebecca Mills, Agatha Christie Goes to War. Bernthal founded the annual international Agatha Christie conferences in 2014 and sits on the editorial boards of Crime Fiction Studies and Clues: A Journal of Detection. Bernthal won the Popular Culture Association’s Dove Award for crime fiction scholarship in 2020.