The Beijing Film Academy Yearbook is a collection of specially selected articles chosen from issues of the Journal of Beijing Film Academy. This volume collates articles published in the journal throughout 2016, and are translated for an English-speaking readership. Due to the increased academic focus on Chinese cinema, the Beijing Film Academy Yearbook project aims to contribute to this research with a first-hand perspective in order to narrow the gap for cross-culture scholarly dialogue.
Notes on Translation
Chapter 1: Cai YuanPei’s Thoughts on Film Education
Wu, YueQing; Li, Long
Chapter 2: Fifty Years of Film Directing Education
Xie, Fei
Chapter 3: Internet Literature and TV Drama: Brief Thoughts on the Emergence of a New Culture
Zhang, YiWu
Chapter 4: Between Heterotopias and Reality: Chinese Science Fiction Films in the 1980s and 1990s
Lin, Chao
Chapter 5: Binary Logic and Identity Dilemma of Chinese Sci-Fi Films through the Structuring of Narrative Space
Chen, YiShui
Chapter 6: The Psychological Resonance between the New Trends in Chinese Film-Making and the New Generation Audience
Zhou, Zhou
Chapter 7: Film Consumers as Both ‘God’ and ‘Creator’
Shi, WenXue
Chapter 8: ‘New Academicism’ Requires a Foundation of Academic Rationality to Adapt to New Environments
Zhong, DaFeng
Chapter 9: Twelve Years of Reform of Chinese Cinema
Wu, GuanPing
Notes on Contributors
Journal of BFA Advisory and Editorial Board
Notes on Intellect China Library Series
Biographical note
The Journal of the Beijing Film Academy, founded in 1984, is edited by the Beijing Film Academy’s Department of Film Studies and is highly respected for showcasing the foremost research in Chinese cinema and film education.