Lovers of California art and architecture will swoon at the photos of the murals, statues and mosaics that Sheets designed for about 200 Home Savings and Loan branches between the 1960s and 1980s. . . . Banking on Beauty invites readers to remember a time when our captains of industry cared about public spaces as much as they did the bottom line — and it also challenges us to preserve those remaining buildings that possess Sheets originals.
- Gustavo Arellano, Los Angeles Times
Banking on Beauty is a thoroughly researched and thought-provoking exploration of the distinctive Home Savings Bank branches designed by the Millard Sheets Studio…Banking on Beauty provides a compelling case for preserving these structures.
Journal of American History
Once upon a time, a visit to a department store or a branch bank was a chance to be inspired by fine art…waves of corporate takeovers doomed most of the art, but some remain, like the 1968 masterpiece at Sunset and Vine that's now a Chase bank. This richly illustrated book finally tells their story.
Los Angeles Magazine
[L]avishly illustrated…If you'd like to explore [Millard Sheets's art] yourself, you won't find a better guide than Arenson's Banking on Beauty."
The Objective Standard
Banking on Beauty…shows that commercial architecture does not have to be drab.
World Magazine
Arenson alternates between telling the story of, on the one hand, [Howard F.] Ahmanson and the growth of his savings and loan business, and, on the other hand, [Millard] Sheets and the development of his artistic practice, to great effect.
Journal of Urban History
This lavishly illustrated book by Adam Arenson offers an in-depth and insightful history of Millard Sheets…With almost 160 color plates, this beautiful book is a stunner that not only gives Sheets's lifework a place to shine but also offers an unusually rich study of the places, people, and events that shaped the artists creative vision over a fifty-year period.
California History