Katharine Briggs Award 2018: Runner Up
Atkinson's readings . . . prove to be critical, and critically needed, engagements that seek to account for examples that disrupt the narratives of literary history without entirely scrapping that history.
Both ballad and literary scholars will have their understanding of how ballads encode the past enriched. Throughout, Atkinson is scrupulous about what claims his evidence will bear; he knows the archive is far from neat, and his prudence makes his ambitious claims about the ballad more persuasive.
Atkinson rightly points to the importance of the past - not only in creating the histories of the ballad, but also within the texts themselves. His analysis is based on careful scrutiny of the available texts and histories: he points us in the direction of a fuller and richer history.
One of the most important contributions of this book is its reflexivity. It calls on ballad scholars and folklorists to critically examine the history of ballad studies, and it reminds us how certain aspects of previous scholarship have been influenced by an interest in the past and a stereotypical desire to see tradition as an age-old thing being continuously handed down from the past.
Journal of Folklore Research