<p>"The strength of the collection is that it includes work from a range of disciplines, bringing together media studies perspectives (like Bennett’s on celebrity) and sociological perspectives (like Sinclair and Hagen’s use of subcultural theory). There is also a good mix of fandom sites (e.g., music, sports, television) and global and digital locales, as well as mixture of theoretical and empirically based chapters."<br /><strong>Rosemary Lucy Hill,</strong> <em>University of Leeds</em></p><p>"The book shows why fan commitments and fan labour give a sense of worth, purpose and achievement, while fans themselves continue to abide as a powerless elite. It presents some fascinating empirical work, displays a good deal of expertise and brings established and emergent scholars together between two covers."<br /><strong>Michael Pickering,</strong> <em>Loughborough University</em></p>
Biographical note
Linda Duits is an affiliate researcher with the Institute for Cultural Inquiry at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, and publicist specialized in popular culture.
Koos Zwaan is Associate Professor in Media, Culture and Citizenship at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands, and co-editor of Adapting Idols: Authenticity, Identity and Performance in a Global Television Format.
Stijn Reijnders is Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and author of Places of the Imagination: Media, Tourism, Culture.