Biographical note
Tanja Klepacki works as a senior researcher (Akademische Oberrätin) at the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, where she is also the executive manager of the Chair’s Teacher Training Academy. Her research interests include theoretical and empirical studies in the fields of aesthetic and cultural education, cultural transformation dynamics, cultural sustainability, and cultural resilience. Alongside research and teaching, she is responsible for the management of the editorial office of the international, peer-reviewed, open access “Journal for Research in Cultural, Aesthetic, and Arts Education” (IJRCAAE). Since 2022, she has been a co-opted board member of the “European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education (ENO)”.
Edwin van Meerkerk is professor of cultural education at Radboud University. He researches and teaches about arts and cultural education, cultural policy, and higher education for sustainability. He is also an endowed professor at ArtEZ University of the Arts and leadership fellow in the Comenius Programme for Educational Innovation. In his research and teaching, he is driven by curiosity about how people give shape to their ideas about the value of art in practice. He does this, among other things, through his long-term research into the cooperation between art teachers and teachers in primary education within the framework of the national programme Quality Cultural Education. He is also concerned with the differences between policy and practice with regard to cultural entrepreneurship, among other things.
Tone Pernille Østern is professor in arts education with a focus on dance at the Department of Teacher Education at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She is also visiting professor in dance education in contemporary contexts at Stockholm University of the Arts. At NTNU, she is currently the ProgramLeader for the Master of Education and Head of the Forum for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity. She is active as artist/researcher/teacher with a special interest in participatory arts, choreographic processes, inclusive and critical pedagogies, bodily learning, and the performativity of research, learning and teaching. She is Editor-in-Chief for the peer-reviewed journal Dance Articulated. The Arts and Culture Norway commissioned research report Artist - an available profession? A research project about artists with disabilities in Norway (Østern et al., 2023) is a recent publication.