Biographical note
Marta Massi is Lecturer of Marketing at McGill University, Canada. She has previously served as Assistant Professor of Marketing at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy and a visiting scholar at Deakin University, Australia. Her research interests include branding and arts and culture marketing. Her work has been published in national and international journals, including Journal of Global Marketing, Journal of Consumer Affairs and International Journal of Technology Management.
Alex Turrini is Associate Professor of Arts Management and Cultural Policy at Bocconi University, Italy. He has been Director of the SMU Meadows Division of Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship as well as visiting professor of Arts Management and Cultural Policy at SMU Meadows and Cox School of Business, USA. He carried forward several research, training and consulting projects with different national and international public sector organizations involved in the arts. His research activities center on public policies and management in the arts and cultural sector, arts collecting behavior and inter-organizational networks in the arts.