I have recommended Selina Busby’s <i>Applied Theatre: A Pedagogy of Utopia</i> to both colleagues and students and have found inspiration in its pages myself. In her words, the book focuses on 'the positive contribution that making theatre can have when thinking about and acting for social justice, in opening up possibilities or "the field of the possible," in enhancing aspirational thinking and resisting what is, in order to create what is not yet, but which can be imagined' (pp. 204-205). The power of hope is the most potent force when facing inequity and injustice; theatre can give voice and agency and creative expression to those who may lack these in their lives. Busby’s global survey of her practice is required reading for anyone who wants to be inspired, or re-inspired, with the reality that theatre can and does make tangible differences in peoples’ lives.
Monica Prendergast, University of Victoria, Canada
[R]eaders are engrossed in the author’s eloquent theoretical argument blended with her engaging storytelling of each different applied theatre project. Not only inspiring but also a critically necessary read for applied theatre students in our current time of trouble.
Wan-Jung Wang, Professor of Applied Theatre, National University of Tainan, Taiwan