What I liked about this book is that its not just "intellectual" - not just giving you facts and stories - but very practical. It is meant for someone who really wants to practice - to develop his or her abilities. Exercises are given for whatever aspect you would like to develop - whether it be lucid dreaming, going out of the body, tuning in to your guides, problem solving, remote viewing, clairvoyance, clair audience, journaling, dowsing and much more. There are also important chapters on psychic defense and "closing down" - things we don't often see in the literature. Psychic defense is the most important thing anyone can learn on the path. There is so much "rubbish" in the mental-emotional levels, some actually harmful, that psychic protection is a must. I would say that 90% (and perhaps more) of all diseases have their origin in "psychic infection". With this kind of book, the real learning will happen as you take any of the exercises and work with it - persistently, day by day. It is much like training the body. You exercise a weak muscle until it gets developed. This takes time and practice. It's not an "overnight" - "poof" kind of thing. It is good to read the book completely before you start anything. This will give you a good idea of what's available and what the author intends. After that it is good to read it again, making note of exercises or skills that most appeal to you. Then work on those things. Chapter Five where she explains the philosophy behind psychic and spiritual phenomena is especially worth reading. Good to read this a few times. Many of the problems that students have with their spiritual faculties are philosophical in nature. They have 3D concepts and beliefs that bind them. Chapter Five is a good antidote. All the exercises in the book are good, but the one that appealed to me most was the exercise for "Embodying the Higher Self" in chapter six. If this is done correctly (and it will take time and patience) one can almost dispense with all the other exercises. For, the Higher Self, will handle all the chakra openings and closings, aura sealings etc. It will share its perception of things with you. The final chapter, "The Spiritual Psychic" is perhaps the best in the book. In my opinion, it should be read first, for it sums up, very beautifully, the whole field and purpose of psychic development. Joe Polansky, Diamond Fire Magazine