The information in the newest instalment in the Crystal Prescriptions series couldn't be any timelier or more vital to the health and well-being of our planet as a whole. Judy guides the reader through a compassionate, intelligent, and eminently sensible journey of healing the karma that holds us all back. Her work is based on the fundamental observation that transforming this karmic energy is mandatory for our evolution, and that it will help everyone on our planet from now on. The practical exercises, layouts, and rituals are enjoyable and give the reader the ability to internalise the practical information. Judy even takes a deeper look into our subtle anatomy through the karmic lens, giving readers unprecedented insight into how and why karma shapes our lives. This book is a treasure trove of information, one that you'll turn to again and again.--Nicholas Pearson, author of The Seven Archetypal Stones and Crystals for Karmic Healing