A very objective, informative and heart-warming guide for adult children who find themselves caring for aging parent, many think, simply because they are the daughter or son, they know what is best for their parent and then feel guilty because they are overwhelmed by the task. Too often I have heard, “I think we made a mistake in our decision.” Reading the experiences of this author will give confidence to the reader that the solutions offered are not only professional and objective, but equally as important, they are from the heart. --- Astrid Tertel, caregiver<p>
</p><p>Today is the time to make connections with our parents before time passes. Time also for the conversation of care, years before care is needed.” Pamela Wilson asks the reader to appreciate the fragility of life by valuing our relationships, and to take a proactive stance by realizing that how we live now will shape the future as we age. She offers a toolbox of strategies to help the caregiver move forward with foresight, knowledge, and skills to plan for the future. ---Tina Wells, MA, Alzheimer’s Association Colorado</p><p>
</p><p>Pamela Wilson has provided us with an information-rich, enormously detailed and practical, very deeply personal, and even fearless exploration and understanding of the all-too-often simply overwhelming care-giving process. It will be a book---like her practice phone number---that I keep within close reach in my own office, and imagine sharing with patients and their families for years to come. ---Jay Schneiders, PhD., ABPP, Clinical Neuropsychologist & Health Psychologist</p><p>
</p><p>There is a phrase from Pamela Wilson’s new book "The Caregiving Trap" that says it all: “Logic is absent from many caregiving situations as emotions take over the driver’s seat.” Being a nurse who has been a caregiver for over 40 years, I wish I had found Pamela’s book much earlier in my life. Caring for elders is a special skill. Over the last 15 years while caring for my own aging parents, I have encountered absolutely wonderful, patient souls who clearly have a gift with this population. But the trick for the rest of us is to listen to these knowledgeable folks. Pamela is an expert who has provided heartfelt, concrete advice to guide others through this challenging process. ---Patricia A. Herlily, Ph.D., R.N., Rocky Mountain Research</p><p>
</p><p>No one is more experienced or knowledgeable in helping caregivers and care recipients than Pamela Wilson. Pamela is an educator and a professional caregiver. She knows what works and her advice is more than theory, it has been tested in practical application. ---John J. Horan, CMSP/CFSP, Horan & McConaty</p><p>
</p><p>This book is a must read not only for any health professional interacting with the elderly and disabled individuals but also for any adult who could possibly find themselves in a care giving situation or the recipient of caregiving now or in the future. Pamela’s personal and professional experience, along with extensive research, offers a compassionate, perceptive and detailed resource. Familiar scenarios, probing questions, and realistic options are presented, all with the end goal of better quality of life for both the recipient of care and the caregiver. ---Linda Warwick, RN Hospice and Alternative Therapy Practitioner</p>