Campion's Astrology and Cosmologyis an ambitious examination of cosmologies and astrologies from around the world. The diversity of cultures Campion includes is impressive.
- Jacqueline Feke, History of Astronomy
What is up in the sky has significance in almost every religion, and this book looks at Australia, Oceania, North America, South and Central America, Sub-Sahara Africa, Egypt, China, India, Babylon, Judaism, Classical Greece with Christianity, Islam, and 'Theosophical, New Age, and Pagan Cosmologies.'
- Gareth J. Medway, The Magonia Blog: Astrology and Religion
"This innovative study presents astrologies and cosmologies - broadly conceived - as counterparts and mirrors of human societies. Unlike most students of astrology, Campion transcends the limitations of the Western tradition to examine the nature and roles of astrological and cosmological concepts in cultures from all continents. His examples provide original insights into how cosmologies shape these cultures' artistic, intellectual, and religious activities.
- Stephen McCluskey,West Virginia University,
The book is crammed with information, occasionally punctuated by interpretation or analysis. Over 50 pages of notes and bibliography enable readers to check the author's exactitude for him or herself.
- L. De Danaan, CHOICE