So much more than a comic strip... No one comes close to Alison Bechdel
The Times
This compendium is testament to a unique literary-graphic talent
The Times
For 25 years Bechdel's path-breaking <i>Dykes to Watch Out For</i> comic strip has been collected in award-winning volumes. Now, at last, <i>The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For</i> gathers an irresistible selection from all 11 volumes
Chicago Tribune
Ms. Bechdel began her strips... partly to provide ''an antidote'' to culture's image of gay women as ''warped, sick, humorless and undesirable.'' Boy, has she succeeded. Her crazy lesbians seem saner than the rest of us, and beyond beautiful
The New York Times
The greatest lesbian soap opera... is Bechdels miraculously well-sustained chronicling of a circle of friends over the course of 20 years, <i>Dykes to Watch Out For</i>
Breezy, efficient storytelling and all-round smarts
- Bartholomew Bennett, Guardian
Biographical note
Alison Bechdel is the author of the bestselling memoir Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, which was named a Best Book of the Year by Time, Entertainment Weekly, the New York Times and People, among others. For twenty-five years, she wrote and drew the comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For, a visual chronicle of modern life - queer and otherwise - considered 'one of the pre-eminent oeuvres in the comics genre.' Alison Bechdel is guest editor of Best American Comics, 2011, and has drawn comics for Slate, McSweeney's, Entertainment Weekly, Granta, and the New York Times Book Review.