Why are we drawn to birds, to landscape, to nature? It is for the sense of wonder - and in capturing that sense of wonder, Fiennes reminds us how desperately we all need it
Sunday Telegraph
<i>The Snow Geese</i> moved me as have few other recent books. No one who reads it is likely to continue to look at the world in the same way
Times Literary Supplement
A beautifully solitary and beautifully reflective book
Evening Standard
The descriptions of the geese and their environment are jaw-droppingly beautiful. But Fiennes' most remarkable talent is for describing the quotidian with such freshness that it is like seeing the world for the first time
Mail on Sunday
An inspired work of natural history and travel. A classic
Irish Independent
His sharp eye and his inventive similes take us everywhere with him . . . an unmistakably gifted writer
The Times