“Michael Beug, professor emeritus at Evergreen State University, has just come out with a new book on Ascomycetes, which is a diverse fungal phylum that includes morels and cup fungi.”
"This is a heavy, bigger format that far exceeds the coverage of anything previously published for the ascomycete fungi. Beautiful color images! Easy to read and understand text! Stunning microscopic color habit photographs! Easy to use picture keys to different ascomycete groups! A bargain basement price! A special book that falls in the category of “once in a lifetime”! A much needed book that fills a fungal niche vacant for a long time!"
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Biographical note
Michael W. Beug is a mycologist, environmental chemist, and Professor Emeritus at Evergreen State College. He is on the editorial board of Fungi magazine, and his mushroom photographs have appeared in over thirty books and articles. He is coauthor of MatchMaker, a free online mushroom identification program covering over 4,000 taxa of fungi. He lives in Husum, Washington.
Alan E. Bessette is a mycologist and distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biology from Utica College of Syracuse University. He has published numerous professional papers in the field of mycology and has authored more than twenty books. He lives in St. Marys, Georgia.
Arleen R. Bessette is a psychologist, mycologist, and botanical photographer. She has authored or coauthored several scientific papers and fourteen books, has won numerous awards for her photography, and teaches classes on mycology and the culinary aspects of mycophagy. She lives in St. Marys, Georgia.