Brainy book that will rock your world
Evening Standard
Absolutely amazing
- Jon Snow, Channel 4 News
An email-like, culturally-perceptive exploration of our digital realities... a mix between a dystopian modern glossary, Internet memes, multiple-choice dropdowns, mindsourced images and a fair bit of wisdom, it is a self-help book for the "last generation that will die"
AnOther Magazine
A philosophical <i>Anarchist Cookbook</i><i> </i>for the online era, when we are in touch with everyone at once all the time, or like to feel that we are... Like Marshall McLuhan's iconic dictum "the medium is the message" or the staccato bursts of meaning of George W.S. Trow's essay-book <i>In the Context of No Context</i>, <i>The Age of Earthquakes</i> is an abstract representation of how we feel now about how we are now. It's a book insistently engaged with the present tense... Perhaps it is the 21st century's first book-meme
Pacific Standard
Many of us feel like technologies of the future are arriving too slowly, but a new philosophy-cum-modern-self-help book suggests that, in fact, it's dawning on us faster than we ever thought possible
A pocket-sized primer on our blossoming obsolescence
- Kate Sutton, Art Forum
<i>Age of Earthquakes</i> = panic-inducingly addictive
- Penny Martin, editor of The Gentlewoman,
It's a fun, visual and easy read. Verdict: In the future all books will be written this way
- Sultan Saood Al Qassimi,
An abstract representation of how we feel about our digital world
I don't know about you but I would very much like a guide to this brave new world