<i>"I used </i>By Degrees<i> in my Introduction to Graduate Studies in Communication course with our program's 25 new master's students. I had a great experience using the book in my teaching—it was so helpful in orienting students to the field. One of my students commented positively on the book in my teaching evaluations, stating: 'I think the new textbook reading (By Degrees) is a wonderful added addition to the class. Perfect for a first-year graduate student.' I concur with the student, and will plan to use it again when I teach this course again in the future."</i><br /><b>Jamie McDonald, Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor of Record, The University of Texas at San Antonio</b>
Biographical note
Betsy Wackernagel Bach (Ph.D., University of Washington) is Professor Emerita at the University of Montana, where she spent most of her career. She is a Past President of the National Communication Association and of the Western States Communication Association, and also worked for two years as Director of Research Initiatives at NCA. She studies organizational socialization/identification, has published one book, 40 articles and chapters, and received WSCA's Distinguished Service Award and NCA's Eckroyd Award for Teaching Excellence.Dawn O. Braithwaite (Ph.D., University of Minnesota) is a Willa Cather Professor of Communication at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She studies discourse dependent relationships, dialectics of relating, and communication in step- and voluntary families. She has published six books and 125 articles and chapters. A Distinguished Scholar of the National Communication Association and Western States Communication Association, Braithwaite received NCA's Brommel Family Communication and Becker Distinguished Service Awards. She is a Past President of the National Communication Association and of the Western States Communication Association.
Shiv Ganesh (Ph.D., Purdue University) is a professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. He writes about communication and collective action issues in the context of global and technological processes. He has worked in the United States, Aotearoa New Zealand, and India, and has held leadership positions in the National Communication Association as well as the International Communication Association.