I am an avid reader, yet by far, this is one of the best collections of stories that I've read in a long time. Over the last few hours, I've laughed, I've cried, I've empathized and most importantly I've found 16 students' stories in which I can identify. These students put into words what I've felt over the last year as I've embarked on this journey of doctoral studies. Thank you so much for collecting these writings. I do hope that you will publicize this book to Educational Leadership doctoral programs across the country. It is a "must-read" for Educational Leadership doctoral students!
- Gerri B. Williams Gerri B. Williams Gerri B. Williams, doctoral student, Department of Educational Leadership, University of Houston,
Sixteen doctoral candidates in the educational leadership program at Stephen F. Austin State U. in Texas were asked to reflect on whether learning about leadership changed their practice, and whether changing practice results in school improvement. Their essays suggest that the answer to both question is yes.
Reference and Research Book News, November 2005