Easily accessible by students, and bringing professional therapists up to date with full and detailed practical guidance, Jane Simmons and Rachel Griffiths present both an introduction and the current state of the art application of CBT. In their third edition, the authors have achieved the very difficult aim of making a practitioner guide to the most effective evidence-based approaches a pleasure to read.<br />
- Dr David A Holmes,
<em>CBT for Beginners</em> explains how to deliver CBT to young people and adults in a simple and easy to understand manner. It is an excellent resource for students, beginning psychologists and health professionals.
- Vivienne Lewis, Assistant Professor,
<p>The latest edition of this book retains the clarity of explanation and width of content required to continue as the best introductory text to CBT available. The content is accessible and understandable to the novice practitioner and the use of case examples clearly articulate how theory is applied in practice. This edition updates information on relevant legislation and treatment advances, and is a must for any student commencing a CBT related programme.</p>
- Mark Gillespie,