Biographical note
Rosalind Ormiston is a researcher, lecturer and author in art, architecture and design history. She has lectured in art and architectural history at Kingston University, London and her publications include Colour Source Book, Alphonse Mucha: Masterworks, Art Deco: The Golden Age of Graphic Art and Illustration; Michelangelo: His Life and Works in 500 Images and Leonardo da Vinci: His Life and Works in 500 Images.
Linda Bolton (Series Foreword) is an independent art historian and lecturer. She is the author of several books on nineteenth- and twentieth-century artists and art movements including Gauguin, Manet, Degas, Warhol, Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism and Pop Art. She is professor of Art History for the University of North Carolina and works for clients of the major London galleries (National Gallery, Tate, RA, V&A and Design Museum) giving talks about current exhibitions.