The Trucial Coast Political Reports are a unique record of events, commented on by a small group of British men living in Sharjah and Dubai. This was in the years leading up to the commencement of oil exports from the desert of Abu Dhabi. These men regularly met to discuss and negotiate with the Rulers of the Trucial States—sometimes in a state of mutual incomprehension—the conditions under which the Company (Petroleum Development/ Trucial Coast or PD/TC) would operate in their various territories. Boundaries and frontiers marked out in the desert were as much a novelty to the Bedouin as the notions of royalties and depreciation were to the Rulers. Men such as Bird, Codrai and Henderson learnt to understand, to some extent, the language and ways of the people of the Trucial Coast. They in turn had to contend with the ways of the legal, financial and business executives in London who tended to see affairs very differently. It is thanks to these Company Representatives living on the Trucial Coast that the bulk of the Diaries was saved. It is due to the efforts of the London executives that much other material was lost in the name of economy of storage space. These Reports record important events as well as the writers’ observations. The editor has included some additional material from the PD/TC company files to present a more complete account. The book includes a number photographs and maps.
Les mer
The Trucial Coast Political Reports are a unique record of events, commented on by a small group of British men living in Sharjah and Dubai. This was in the years leading up to the commencement of oil exports from the desert of Abu Dhabi.
Les mer


Gerlach Press
248 mm
165 mm
UP, 05
Product language
Product format
Antall sider


Biographical note

David Heard CBE studied physics and geology before joining Abu Dhabi Petroleum Company in 1963. Working for more than a decade as a petroleum engineer he participated in the discovery of oil in the Abu Dhabi desert. Thereafter he was for more than two decades the Representative of the same company in Abu Dhabi.