Biographical note
Dr Sri Bandyopadhyay, a former academic at UNSW Sydney Australia - School of Mat Sci Eng, and an earlier senior research scientist at Australian Defence DSTO MRL Melbourne has research background in fracture micro - micro features in a) polymer matrix, b) meal matrix and c) ceramic matrix composites. At DSTO MRL Australia, Sri Bandyopadhyay’s in-situ SEM study of micro-macro fracture earned Sri the ‘DSTO MRL Scientist of the year’ award. Whilst at UNSW SMSE, Sri Bandyopadhyay taught fracture mechanics, polymer engineering and composites technology to students in his School as well as in other schools at UNSW in Faculty of Engineering. By the way, Sri Bandyopadhyay had done his Ph D at Monash University Australia on Environmental Stress cracking of Polyethylene. Sri’s organised Proceedings of ACUN-5 International Composite Conference - Developments in Composites: Advanced, Infrastructural, Natural and Nano-composites, 11-14 July, 2006, UNSW, Sydney, Australia are available on internet using website
Dr Raghavendra Gujjala, an Assistant professor in mechanical department at National Institute of Technology Warangal, Telangana, INDIA. G Raghavendra completed his Ph.D from NIT Rourkela. His research background in Composite materials, FGMs, Nano Materials, Bio glasses. Raghavendra published more than 130 international and national journals and conferences. He published more than 12 book chapters in different books. G Raghavendra taught Composites, Tribology, material characterization of materials to students. Website: