Biographical note
Eugeniusz Koda is a university scholar, a distinguished engineer, and the professor at the Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland. He has extensive professional and research experience since 1984. He participated in research programs with Swedish Geotechnical Institute (1984-1987), Boĝazici University (Turkey, 1989/90), and Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands, 1993). Dr. Koda was awarded Ph.D. and D.Sc. at Gdańsk University of Technology, respectively in 1991 and 2012. In 2012 – 2019, Dr. Koda was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and since 2019 he is Director of the Institute of Civil Engineering at Warsaw University of Life Sciences. His principal research interest and expertise include remedial works on brownfields and landfills; transport modeling of pollutants and assessment of protection systems; environmental risk assessment; and soil and groundwater environmental protection systems. Dr. Koda served as geotechnical and environmental consultant in NATO projects for modernization of selected military sites in Poland, Geoenvironmental Engineering Infrastructure Co-operation Network in Europe (GEOEVNET), and COST Actions funded by EU. He is a member of Technical Committee 215 on Environmental Geotechnics of ISSMGE, as well as member of IGS and ISEG. Dr. Koda is the author of three major books, and author or co-author more than 300 scientific journal and conference papers, as well as book chapters. Dr. Koda has served or currently serves as an associate editor or an editorial board member of over 7 scientific journals. Dr. Koda received several awards for excellence in research and teaching on slope stability analysis, soft soils reinforcements, geotextiles research and applications, remedial works and landfill engineering. He holds Professional Engineering Licence (PE, CE), a Certificate in Geotechnical Engineering (CGE), Hydrogeology and Geology Engineering Licenses (HL, GL), as well as Expert title in Civil Engineering (ECE).
Magdalena D. Vaverková professor at the Department of Revitalization and Architecture, Institute of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland and at the Department of Applied and Landscape Ecology, Faculty of AgriSciences, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. Her scientific activities cover issues in environmental protection and development. She is concerned with issues related to the impact of processes and behaviors resulting from the production and processing of various types of waste on the state of the environment. The main subjects of her scientific interests are waste management, municipal solid waste landfill, reclamation and remediation of degraded areas, composting, biomonitoring, bio-indicators, biodegradable polymers, sustainable development goals, and assessment of the impact of human activity on the environment. The results of her long-term research confirmed the validity of the views, indicating the need to monitor environmental changes. She is a member of International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), Society of Soil Science and International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Czech and Slovak Packaging Association/Czech Packaging Institute SYBA, The International Society of Environmental Geotechnology (ISEG), Abu Dhabi University: ADU Global, International network Global Engagement Program (GEP). Dr. Vaverková has more than 17 years of research, teaching, and consulting experience in the broad fields of environmental, geotechnical, materials, and sustainable engineering. Dr. Vaverková is the author of more than 170 papers, of which 151 are indexed in WoS and 40 are full conference papers.
Krishna R. Reddy is a university scholar, a distinguished researcher, and the professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the director of both Sustainable Engineering Research Laboratory (SERL) and the Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Laboratory (GAGEL) in the Department of Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering (CME) at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). Dr. Reddy received Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. He received gold medals for being first in both B.S. (Civil Engineering) at Osmania University, India, and M.S. (Civil Engineering) at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Dr. Reddy has more than 28 years of research, teaching, and consulting experience within the broad fields of civil, geotechnical, materials, environmental, and sustainable/resilient engineering, addressing the nexus among sustainability, resiliency, infrastructure, water, energy, and the environment. Dr. Reddy is the author of four major books, 272 journal papers, 28 edited books/conference proceedings, 23 book chapters, and 229 full conference papers. Dr. Reddy has served or currently serves as an associate editoror an editorial board member of over 10 different journals. Dr. Reddy has received several awards for excellence in research and teaching, including ASCE Wesley W. Horner Award, ASTM Hogentogler Award, UIC Distinguished Researcher Award, University of Illinois Scholar Award, and University of Illinois Award for Excellence in Teaching. He is a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (FASCE), a diplomate of Geotechnical Engineering (DGE), and a board certified environmental engineer (BCEE). He is also a registered professional civil engineer (PE) and an EnvisionTM sustainability professional (ENV SP).
Arvind Kumar Agnihotri is a professor of Civil Engineering at NIT Jalandhar. He completed his Ph.D. from University of Roorkee (1998), M.Tech. from NIT Kurukshetra (1989), and B.E. from Panjab University, Chandigarh (1987). He possesses a work experience of around 32 years in research, teaching, and academic administration, with several years spent holding key leadership positions. His areas of interest are geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, Reinforced Earth (Geo-synthetics and Geofibers), Ground Improvement and Soil–Structure interaction. He has supervised 12 Ph.D. theses, and 4 more are in progress. He has guided 52 M.Tech. dissertations. He has published more than 135 papers out of which about 85 in referred international and national journals and 50 in conferences and 5 edited books/conference proceedings. He served as the head of Civil Engineering, the dean academic, and the dean (Planning and Development) at prestigious Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. He is a fellow/member of many professional organizations like ASCE, IGS, ISTE, Institution of Engineers, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, and Indian Roads Congress. He is a reviewer of many international journals of repute.