Biographical note
Siddharth Swarup Rautaray is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Engineering, KIIT-Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India. He received his Ph.D. in Information Technology from the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, U.P., India. He has over 10 years of teaching and research experience. His research interest areas are big data analytics, image processing, intelligent systems, human-computer interaction, and similar innovative areas. His research contribution includes 06 co-edited proceedings/books, and over 110+ research publications in reputed conferences, book chapters, and journals. As an organizing chair, he has organized 05 international conferences and has been part of different core committees of other conferences and workshops. He has delivered invited talks in several workshops and conferences.
Manjusha Pandey is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Engineering, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology,Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India. She has teaching and research experience of over 10 years. She received her doctoral degree from the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, U.P., India. Her research areas are big data analytics, computer networks, intelligent systems, machine learning, and similar innovative areas. Her research contribution includes 04 co-edited proceedings/books, and over 110+ research publications in reputed conferences, book chapters, and journals.
Nhu Gia Nguyen received Ph.D. degree in computer science from Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam. Dr. Nguyen serves as Dean of the School of Computer Science at Duy Tan University. His experience includes over 22 years of teaching, and he has more than 40 publications in various conference proceedings and international journals of repute. His research interests include algorithm theory, medical imaging, network optimization, and wireless security. He has been organizing chair of(Springer LNAI) IUKM-2016 held in Vietnam. He is an associate editor in the International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE) under IGI Global.