Biographical note
Professor Puran Gour specializes in the research and development of Patch antenna design and radio systems and works as a Professor in the NRI Institute of Information Science and Technology Bhopal (M.P) in the Department of Electronics and Communication Department. For several years, he undertook research in Microstrip Patch antenna design and has more than 20-year experience in the field of engineering institute. In his career, His current research is in antenna design and focuses on sensor surveillance using both active and passive sensors devices. He has worked in various positions like HOD, Dean academic, and exam Superintendent. He has published many research articles in reputed refereed journals and Scopus index IEEE conferences. He has published 3 book chapters and one book published by international publishers. He has published 4 design patents. He has organized many national and international conferences as well as faculty development programs. He has supervised more than 20 dissertations at the PG level. He is a Membership of IEEE, IETE and Lifetime membership of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
Dr. Nagendra Singh is working as a Principal of the Institution and Associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Trinity College of Engineering & Technology, Karimnagar, Telangana, India. He has about 20 years of experience in the field of teaching in engineering institutions. He has worked in various positions like HOD, Dean academic, and exam Superintendent. He has published many research articles in reputed refereed SCI and Scopus index Journal and IEEE conferences. He has published 13 book chapters and edited 5 books published by Indian/International publishers. He has been granted 14 design patents. He has organized many national and international conferences as well as faculty development programs and seminars. His area of interest is optimization techniques, AI, Power systems, renewable energy systems, power electronics, smart antenna, and block-chain technology. He is a life member of various professional bodies. He is a reviewer of many international journals.
Dr. Ravi Shankar Mishra is Professor and Incubation Incharge in Sagar Institute of Science & Technology (SISTec) Bhopal. He received his Ph.D. in 2011 and M.Tech. in 2005 from N.I.T. Bhopal. He has completed his PG Diploma in VLSI Design from C-DAC Bangalore. He has 19+ years of research and academic experience in reputed institutions such as Lovely Professional University (LPU) Punjab, Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences (SUAS), Indore, and Guru Nanak Institute of Technology (GNIT) Hyderabad. He has handled important positions of responsibilities like Dean, Head of Department, Research Coordinator, etc. He has published more than 40 research papers in reputed international journals and international conference proceedings including SCI, and Scopus. He is also a reviewer of many Journals. One copyright and two books are registered with his name. He has supervised 3 Ph.D. scholars and 18 dissertations at the PG level. He is a Life Fellow Member of the Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) and the International Association of Engineers (IAENG). His research contributions have been in the area of designing efficient PUF-based circuits to using CMOS for generating the secure key.
Professor Rajesh Kumar Nema specializes in research and development of Micro-Strip Patch antenna design and RF Devices and working as a Professor in a IES College of Technology, Bhopal (M.P) in the department of Electronics and communication Department.For a number of years, he undertook research in Microstrip Patch antenna design and have more than 21-year experience in the field of engineering institute. In his career, He has achieved silver certification in Antenna Designing course conducted by NPTEL IIT Bombay.His current researches are in antenna designed and focus on design and development of RF Devices and Antenna for 5G and 6G Technology. He has published many research articles in reputed refereed journals, SCI and Scopus index IEEE conferences. He has published one book published by international publishers. He has been published 3 patents. He has organized many national and international conferences as well as faculty development program.
Dr. Ashish KumarSrivastava is currently working as a Professor in Galgotias University Greater Noida in the department of CSE. He is having 20+year of teaching and research experience. He has completed his Ph.D in (IT) from MANIT Bhopal, M.Tech(IT) fromTezpur Central University Assam and B.E(EEE) from Bharathiar University Coimbatore Tamil Nadu. His area of research is Computer Networks, IoT and its Application, Cyber Security, WSN, SDN, NLP. He has given valuable inputs as a guide to 23+ M.Tech students and 10+ B.Tech students in his career so far. He has filled nine patents and published 20 Conferences and 26 Journal Papers in which 5 are in SCI journal and some are in reputed journals and IEEE conferences. He is the reviewer of reputed IEEE conference and journals. He is an active member of ACM,IEEE, and CSI society.