.This was a tour de force of a novel. It was dark, and had you on the edge of your seat concerning whether what you were seeing was true or not. The setting was noir, and the tragedies and grief that the characters went through was palpable. Each new chapter reveals something you were wondering about in the previous one, or will be relevant in the next one or two. I can.t recommend this book enough to people who love dark tragedies or magic realism (as this book is a bit trippy too), and a bit (
- Giovanni Jakobs, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/210134907-a-ba
.When finished reading the book, I can.t help but applaud this slightly daring setup. It.s original, but it works perfectly! It is well-thought-out and masterfully executed..
- Kjell Magne Gjøsæter, https://bokblogger.com/2023/03/19/en-kamp-mot-demo