«Sensasjonell krimdebut [...] Rå, spennende og grensesprengende smart gangsterroman fra Oslo om barndomsvenner som har lurt hverandre ut på skrå bredder.»

- Stein Roll, Adresseavisen

«Velskrevet, vittig og originalt actiondrama. [...] Han har skrevet en krimroman for den som ikke nødvendigvis liker krim. Og en grublende bok for den som ikke vanligvis leser filosofi.»

- Pål Gerhardsen, Aftenposten

«Denne suverene balansegangen mellom spøk og alvor gjør 4 til den beste norske krimboka på en god stund.»

- Geir Rakvaag, Dagsavisen

The year is 2014. Kyrre Tanding sits with an electronic ankle monitor serving the final part of a sentence for accessory to murder. But he is not waiting for his release. He is waiting for the informal punishment that the criminal circles have sentenced him to. He has lived this way for 11 years, and he has had enough. To be free he needs to find the courage to use the only means of power he has: telling the truth. If he tells everything he knows, there will be no point in killing him. The full story might destroy Kyrre, but it's even more dangerous to the people threatening him.4 is a gangster novel from Oslo, where crime weaves itself imperceptibly into the lives of the law-abiding citizens. It is a learned and suspenseful novel, told with great credibility and bottomless humour. Quotes from reviews: «A sensational crime debut (…) Raw, captivating and mind-blowingly smart …» ****** (6 out of 6 stars) Adresseavisen «A well written, witty and original action drama … a crime novel for those who might not be particularly fond of crime novels. And a brooding book for those who usually do not read philosophy … He is a master of digression and fills the retrospective story with interruptions, explanations, elaborations, deliberations, aphoristics –  while bringing the drama ever closer to the present, where it discharges in a bloody climax.» ***** (5 out of 6 stars) Dagbladet «I have already suggested that the book is funny at times, when it comes to action as well as knowledge. It is also full of suspense and action, as a thriller is supposed to be. In other words, we are talking about a novel which is truly worth the read.»NRK P2 «This superb balancing act between humour and seriousness makes 4 the best Norwegian crime novel that I have read for a very long time.» Dagsavisen «An awesome debut novel!» Demokraten «The debut writer Stein Sørensen has committed a well written, thrilling gangster novel, with an ending worthy of envy from experienced crime writers.» Littkritikk.no «4 is a criminally good novel from a debutant …» Tara «I am completely overwhelmed (…) Sørensen has written a metaphysical thriller that would have impressed Borges and Calvino (…) a digressive and at the same time stringent story, with no lack of either drama or action, while also packed with literary, philosophical, scientific and juridical references and dizzying  essayistic parts.»Henning Hagerup, Norwegian critic and essayist]]>
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«Velskrevet, vittig og originalt actiondrama. [...] Han har skrevet en krimroman for den som ikke nødvendigvis liker krim. Og en grublende bok for den som ikke vanligvis leser filosofi.»


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