"It's indisputable that Baldacci's handling of action just gets better and better....the action in small-town Texas will end up rivaling anything Robie has encountered in his long years of serving his government."
"David Baldacci has never been better than in THE GUILTY. His latest to feature conflicted assassin extraordinaire Will Robie takes the character - and series - to new heights....A stunning success from one of America's great literary talents."
Providence SundayJournal
"A first-class thriller...David Baldacci's four bestselling novels about government assassin Will Robie have straddled that line of edgy, high-concept suspense, augmented with a bit of the political thriller, and deep character studies. In The Guilty, Baldacci takes a different tack with a more personal, but just as thrilling tale about Will's past, giving compelling insight about how he became a man so willing to kill for his country."
Sun-Sentinel (FL)
"Baldacci fans will not be disappointed. The action is slam-bang with his trademarked twist. Once past the climax, you'll find yourself flipping back and rereading to find the clues the author has sprinkled throughout."
Florida Times-Union
"The story sings...Baldacci is a gifted storyteller, and he knows how to keep the pages turning."
Associated Press