Underholdende og oppløftende. Siste skanse er en rik roman som har mangt å by på. I beste Baldacci-stil er det heftig action.(...) Fullstendig oppslukende.
Associated Press
David Baldacci has sold more than 110 million copies of his books around the world. That doesn’t happen by luck, accident, or chance–he’s one of the most famous and bestselling novelists alive today for a reason. He has a ton of talent, with little to no weaknesses in his writing. Solid from top to bottom, with a near-perfect understanding of how to tell a story, Baldacci is a blistering force in the world of thrillers.
If you aren’t reading his stuff, you should be!
- The Real Book Spy, Grand Central Publishing
(Amos Decker) er en av de mest unike protagonistene noensinne i thrillersjangeren... David Baldacci har alltid vært en førsteklasses thrillerforfatter... (hans) utrolige fantasi og komplekse plott gjør en hver av hans bøker til en ekte godbit for thillerleserne. Siste skanse er ikke noe unntak.
Et overbevisende mysterium med emosjonell tyngde.
Library Journal (starred review)
Riddled with implausible situations and light on the research, this plodding tale is for die-hard Baldacci fans only.
Kirkus Review