"Turbo-charged." -- Booklist "Grippando's Jack Swyteck series is one of those rare finds." -- Contra Costa Times "A well-focused, perfectly organized legal thriller... Exciting." -- Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel "A tight, smartly constructed mystery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats." -- Booklist "[Grippando] keeps his tale moving." -- Kirkus Reviews "Lapel-grabbing...This character-driven, intricately plotted thriller will keep readers guessing up to the end." -- Publishers Weekly "Suspenseful." -- Atlanta Journal-Constitution "A first-rate mystery." -- Orlando Sentinel

An American officer has been murdered on the base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and his soon-to-be-accused killer, the dead man's wife, wants Miami criminal attorney Jack Swyteck to represent her. Swyteck knows nothing about military law, and he can sense that thehypnotically beautiful Lindsey Hart isa liar, a blackmailer, and possibly worse. But if he doesn't agree to defend her, he will never get to see his biological son,a child Swyteck never knew existed.Taking on the might of the U.S. military legal machine on hostile foreign soil could prove to be far more than a bad career move, because the shocking,sordid truth will take no prisoners.And no one, especially Jack Swyteck,will escape unscathed.
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Miami attorney Jack Swyteck is involved in the most explosive criminal trial of his career -- a case that starts with a murder on a military base and concludes with a shocking surprise that will change Jack's life forever.A beautiful woman comes to see Jack and begs him to represent her.
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An American officer has been murdered on the base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and his soon-to-be-accused killer, the dead man’s wife, wants Miami criminal attorney Jack Swyteck to represent her. Swyteck knows nothing about military law, and he can sense that thehypnotically beautiful Lindsey Hart isa liar, a blackmailer, and possibly worse. But if he doesn’t agree to defend her, he will never get to see his biological son,a child Swyteck never knew existed.Taking on the might of the U.S. military legal machine on hostile foreign soil could prove to be far more than a bad career move, because the shocking,sordid truth will take no prisoners.And no one, especially Jack Swyteck,will escape unscathed.
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363 gr
191 mm
106 mm
27 mm
G, 01
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Biographical note

James Grippando is a New York Times bestselling author of twenty-five novels. He was a trial lawyer for twelve years before the publication of his first novel in 1994 (The Pardon), and later served as counsel at Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP. He lives in South Florida with his wife, three children, two cats, and a golden retriever named Max who has no idea that he's a dog.