If anyone is going to change the way we cook, it will be him. -- Heston Blumenthal, as quoted in the Observer Taking kitchen science to a whole new (molecular) level, Herve This is changing the way France-and the world-cooks. Gourmet Once again, Herve This makes a compelling case for the science of deliciousness with his latest book, breaking ingredients down into their constituent compounds. Sometimes controversial yet always thought-provoking, such 'note by note' deconstructing of dishes in the pursuit of flavor challenges culinary convention-food for thought on the future of cooking, of interest to both professional chefs and home cooks alike. -- Michael Laiskonis, creative director of the Institute of Culinary Education No matter what level home cook or professional chef you are, Herve This's detailed, scientific approach to the kitchen provides a fascinating perspective on the chemistry of cooking. These notes are useful for chefs and cooks of all levels and an entertaining and practical guide that every chef would benefit from reading. -- Chef Daniel Boulud This... explores the science behind shape, consistency, odor and color, giving readers the knowledge to create their own magnum opus in the kitchen. Discover Keen cooks...will devour the latest work by molecular gastronomist Herve This. New Scientist This writes the way he speaks - with subtle irony, whim and humour, and each of his books, apart from being scientifically revealing, is an almost taste-able and invariably delicious literary delight. Engineering and Technology Inspiring. Chemistry World Valuable for readers interested in how the food system may evolve in the future. Choice