Biographical note
Rattan Lal, Ph.D., is a Distinguished University Professor of Soil Science and Director of the
Carbon Management and Sequestration Center, The Ohio State University, and an Adjunct Professor
at the University of Iceland. His current research focus is on climate-resilient agriculture, soil carbon
sequestration, sustainable intensification, enhancing use efficiency of agroecosystems, and sustainable
management of soil resources of the tropics. He received honorary degrees of Doctor of Science
from Punjab Agricultural University (2001), the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas (2005),
Alecu Russo Balti State University, Moldova (2010), Technical University of Dresden, Germany
(2015), and University of Lleida, Spain (2017). He was president of the World Association of the Soil
and Water Conservation (1987–1990), the International Soil Tillage Research Organization (1988–
1991), the Soil Science Society of America (2005–2007), and is President Elect of International Union
of Soil Science. He was a member of the Federal Advisory Committee on U.S. National Assessment
of Climate Change-NCADAC (2010–2013), member of the SERDP Scientific Advisory Board of
the US-DOE (2011–), Senior Science Advisor to the Global Soil Forum of Institute for Advanced
Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany (2010–), member of the Advisory Board of Joint Program
Initiative of Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) of the European Union
(2013–), and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Integrated Management of Material
Fluxes and Resources of the United Nations University (UNU-FLORES), Dresden, Germany (2014–
2017). Prof. Lal was a lead author of IPCC (1998–2000). He has mentored 106 graduate students and
54 postdoctoral researchers, and hosted 156 visiting scholars. He has authored/co-authored 818 refereed
journal articles, has written 19 and edited/co-edited 65 books. For 3 years (2014, 2015, 2016),
Reuter Thomson listed him among the world’s most influential scientific minds and having citations
of publications among the top 1% of scientists in agricultural sciences.
B.A. Stewart, Ph.D., is Director of the Dryland Agriculture Institute and a distinguished professor
of Agriculture at West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas. He is a former director of
the USDA Conservation and Production Laboratory at Bushland, Texas; past president of the Soil
Science Society of America; and member of the 1990–1993 Committee on Long-Range Soil and
Water Policy, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. He is a fellow of the Soil
Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Soil and Water Conservation Society,
a recipient of the USDA Superior Service Award, a recipient of the Hugh Hammond Bennett Award
of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, and an honorary member of the International Union
of Soil Sciences in 2008. In 2009, Dr. Stewart was inducted into the USDA Agriculture Research
Service Science Hall of Fame. Dr. Stewart is very supportive of education and research on dryland
agriculture. The B.A. and Jane Ann Stewart Dryland Agriculture Scholarship Fund was established
at West Texas A&M University in 1994 to provide scholarships for undergraduate and graduate
students with a demonstrated interest in dryland agriculture.