'This book offers a fresh perspective on planning, informed by social anthropology but emerging from an engagement with planning itself and its concerns. Intriguing, enlightening and provocative, it unsettles the reader, whose view of planning will never be quite the same again. A book to enjoy, argue with and revisit.' Huw Thomas, Cardiff University, UK 'Vividly illustrated and vigorously argued, this will be an indispensable guide to the meanings, relevance, utility and hazards of ideas of "culture" for students and professionals in all branches of planning.' A. F. Robertson, University of Edinburgh, UK '... much can be leamed from the joumey Abram invites us to make with her. It is valuable for planners, both professional and aspiring, to look beyond the traditional ideas ofthe field. Taking a trip "through the looking glass" to the land beyond accepted ways of analyzing planning can provide both students and practitioners with a fresh point of view. Culture and Planning is an excellent guide to that journey and provides a comprehensive roadmap to ensure that the trip is worthwhile.' Journal of Planning Education and Research