<p><strong>'An excellent introduction into the field of the ethics of risks. Both philosophers interested in risks and risks analysts who would like to include moral considerations in their analyses will find the book informative.'</strong> <em>- Science and Engineering Ethics </em></p><p><strong>'A timely recognition of the growing need to address philosophical questions concerning technological risk, risk assessment processes and regulation ... It opens discussions, shows the potential of philosophical analysis and reports case studies that take the proposed agenda further.'</strong> <em>- Theoria </em></p><p><strong>'This book makes a significant contribution to the development of a new vision for science and society, a vision that sees society actively engaged in making decisions about the content and direction of technological development.'</strong> <em>- Dr Richard Jennings, SGR Newsletter</em></p><p><strong>'This is a worthwhile book, which brings together an inspiring collection of philosophical discussions of risk and uncertainty whilst convincingly making the case for the importance of ethical consideration in risk management.' <em>- </em></strong><em> Journal of Risk Research </em></p>