'The essays published in this book give very broad and deep perspectives on the varied roles played by the principle of collective decision by majority rule. Essayistic in form, the studies give insights into historical examples and specific value issues in majority decisions. I strongly recommend this volume for its varied points of view on electoral systems.' Kenneth J. Arrow, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
'This is an important collection of essays for anyone interested in theories of representation, covering topics from jury decision making to federalism to voting in the European Council of Ministers. The book begins with an insightful and comprehensive discussion of why the concept of majority rule is not nearly as simple as it might first appear. It includes both primarily theoretical contributions, such as the chapters by Balinski and Laraki, and by Mackie, on voting methods and the theory of democracy, and more historical essays, such as the chapter by Christin on the organization of religious bodies in Switzerland during and after the Reformation and conflicts between faith and majoritarianism. It also includes several contributions that combine theory and history, such as the Elster chapter on nested majorities, which discusses the US Continental Congress, the Federal Convention, and the French Estates.' Bernard Grofman, Jack W. Peltason Chair of Democracy Studies, University of California, Irvine
'A stimulating collection of essays on the neglected subject of majority rule and its variations. Students of politics and history will find much valuable material in this book, as will all those who are fascinated by decision-taking rules.' Joseph Jaconelli, Law School, University of Manchester
'The principle of majority rule is both compelling and unsettling. With this volume Novak and Elster have given us the most complete analysis to date showing how a range of different societies and organizations have grappled with this contradiction. It is certain to remain the reference on the topic for years to come.' David Stasavage, New York University