The New York Times is possibly the most influential newspaper in the world. Because of this, it has become the topic of much debate about media bias, with some claiming that it is liberal and others that it is conservative. The Gatekeeper argues that this debate is misleading and that the New York Times can more accurately be characterised as supporting the interests of US corporations, which involves both liberal and conservative positions. Through examining the paper's coverage of key issues, including the 2008-2009 economic crisis, The Gatekeeper reframes the debate about the most venerable institution in US journalism.
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Critical analysis of the iconic liberal newspaper the New York Times, arguing that it helps to prop up dominant economic paradigms.
Chapter 1 The New York Times; Chapter 2 Bias in the Media; Chapter 3 The New York Times and Macroeconomics; Chapter 4 The New York Times and U.S. Foreign Economic Policy; Chapter 5 The New York Times and Regulatio; Chapter 6 The New York Times ’ Star Columnists; Chapter 7 The New York Times and the Financial Crisis; conclusion Corporate Nationalism?;
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"Robert Chernomas and Ian Hudson had written one of the most sophisticated and original works of journalism criticism in years in The Gatekeeper. No one will ever view the New York Times or American journalism the same after reading this book. In view of the deep problems facing the U.S. and global economy our need for first-rate journalism has never been greater. Thanks to Chernomas and Hudson, we now know what to expect -- and not to expect-- from the New York Times, and why. This is going to be required reading for media critics, students, scholars and concerned citizens." -Robert W. McChesney co-author, The Death and Life of American Journalism
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317 gr
229 mm
152 mm
U, G, 05, 01
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Antall sider

Biographical note

Robert Chernomas is Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba, Canada. He is co-author (with Ian Hudson) of Economics in the Twenty-first Century: A Critical Perspective (University of Toronto Press, 2016) and To Live and Die in America: Class, Power Health and Health Care (Pluto Press, 2013). Ian Hudson is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba, Canada. He is the co-author (with Robert Chernomas) of Economics in the Twenty-first Century: A Critical Perspective (University of Toronto Press, 2016) and To Live and Die in America: Class, Class, Power Health and Health Care (Pluto Press, 2013).