"Lois Weis and Michelle Fine have established themselves as leading figures working at the intersection of qualitative research and critical educational theory. In this important new book, they move back and forth between theory and practice, working the borders and the fissures in ways that open up new ways of thinking and performing educational research that is committed to social justice." -- Dennis Carlson, Miami University of Ohio
"Working Method demonstrates the potential that rigorous, theoretically informed qualitative research has for understanding the experience of youth and creating changed lives. Weis and Fine deftly explore forms of oppression and spaces for change, all with a sense of hope and possibility." -- Jane Gaskell, Dean of Education at the Ontario Institute for the Study of Education at the University of Toronto
Biographical note
Lois Weis is Professor of Sociology of Education at the University at Buffalo, State
University of New York.
Michelle Fine is Professor of Social-Personality Psychology at the City University of New York, Graduate Center.