<p><strong>‘Stephen Osborne is to be congratulated for assembling an impressive array of contributors and producing a text which makes a major contribution to the debates about this emerging paradigm.’</strong> - <em>Robert Pyper, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK</em></p><p><strong>'This book showcases the best writing on ‘public governance’, bringing together new research in institutional analysis, policy dynamics, and government-society relationships. It provides a good balance of conceptual insights and empirical analysis grounded in the large changes evident in advanced countries in recent decades.' - </strong><em>Brian Head, University of Queensland, Australia</em></p><p><strong>'This text, edited by Stephen Osborne, may do as much for critical insight to Europe’s public service delivery as the David Osborne and Ted Gaebler text on Reinventing Government did for the United States in the 1990s in refocusing the public sector for improvement.'</strong> - <em>Dean F. Eitel, DePaul University, USA</em></p>
Biographical note
Stephen P. Osborne is Professor of International Public Management and Director of the Centre for Public Services Research at the University of Edinburgh, UK. He is President of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) and Editor of Public Management Review (PMR).