Part I: Introduction Jay Mitra and John Edmondson Part II: History, Context, and Challenge 1. The Impact of Research and Education on Industry Terry Shinn 2. The Knowledge Society and the Production of Knowledge Peter Scott 3. Local Learning and International Experiences in Higher Education: Industry Relationships Jo Lorentzen 4. Consider Velasquez: Reflections on the Development of Entrepreneurship Programmes Jay Mitra 5. Triple Helix Systems: an Analytical Framework for Innovation Policy and Practice in the Knowledge Society M. Ranga and H. Etzkowitz 6. Individual and Institutional Drivers of Technology Transfer in Open Innovation G. Lauto, M. Bau, and C. Compagno Part III: Creating the Culture: Educating Entrepreneurially 7. Creating Conducive Environments for Learning and Entrepreneurship Alan Gibb 8. Experiential Internships: Understanding the Process of Student Learning in Small Business Internships M.E. Varghese, L. Carleton Parker, O. Adeokun, M. Shively, W. Burgess, A. Childress and A. Bessenbacher 9. The Duke University Experience Nathaniel Duvall 10. The End of Entrepreneurship: A Holistic Paradigm for Teaching and Learning about, for and through Enterprise Eugene Lucziw 11. Changing Struggles for Relevance in Eight Fields of Natural Science L.K. Hessels, H. van Lente, J. Grin and R.E.H.M. Smits Part IV: Gearing Cooperation and Entrepreneurship toward Regional Growth 12. An OECD Overview of Universities and Economic Growth Jonathan Potter 13. Common Trajectories of Regional Competitiveness in the Knowledge Economy: A European Investigation Maria Sole Brioschi and Lucio Cassia 14. Building Regional Innovation Capacity: The San Diego Experience Mary L. Walshok, Edward Furtek, Carolyn W.B. Lee, and Patrick H. Windham 15. Universities and their Local Partners: The Case of the University of Joensuu, Finland Perttu Vartiainen and Arto Viiri 16. University Enterprise: the Growth and Impact of University-related Companies in London D. Chapman, H. Lawton-Smith, P. Wood, T. Barnes and S. Romeo Part V: Gearing Cooperation and Entrepreneurship toward National Growth 17. Harnessing Innovation Potential? Institutional Approaches to Industry-Higher Education Research Partnerships in South Africa Glenda Kruss 18. SMEs and Innovation in the Netherlands: Spinning the Wheel - Knowledge Circulation in (Hydraulic) Motion Harry van Vliet and Janika Horvath 19. Toward an Ecosystem for Innovation in a Newly Industrialized Economy: Singapore and the Life Sciences Poh-Kam Wong 20. Fuelling a National Innovation System in Colombia Diana Lucio-Arias 21. Knowledge Transfer between SMEs and Higher Education Institutions: Differences Between Universities and Colleges of Higher Education in the Netherlands H. Delfmann and S. Koster 22. Organisational Transformation to Promote Knowledge Transfer at Universities and R&D Institutions in Sonora, Mexico J.I. Balderrama, L.V.G. Lopez, and C.V. Lafarga 23. Conclusion Jay Mitra and John Edmondson
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