<i>‘. . . the volume is a timely, comprehensive, and valuable addition to the literature, which deserves to be widely read.’</i>
- Richard Allen, Governance,
<i>‘. . . the Handbook informs, engages, questions, criticises and educates.’</i>
- Business Line,
<i>‘As politicians across the world have loudly debated how best to shrink the size of government, clever entrepreneurs have pushed off in a very different direction: creating complex partnerships between government and the private sector, which have pushed government more deeply into the private sector and pulled private partnerships more deeply into the core of government. In this important new book, the editors have pulled together a fascinating collection of papers that examines how these partnerships are transforming the provision of services and, in fact, the very nature of governance itself.’</i>
- Donald F. Kettl, University of Maryland, US,
<i>‘Public–private partnerships are a familiar subject, but this volume makes it clear just how much interesting research is being done on the topic at present. This is an extremely useful collection of papers that will be essential reading for anyone interested in partnerships and public policy more generally.’</i>
- B. Guy Peters, University of Pittsburgh, US,