’Beverly Pasian's book is extremely important and timely. It is also ambitious, and we should commend her for undertaking this mission. The book integrates under one roof a tremendous collection of research lessons and experience on how to investigate project management and how to better understand it in the future. The book should be highly recommended to different groups of researchers and educators. Nice and very relevant undertaking!’ Aaron Shenhar, Technological Leadership Institute, SPLWIN, Rutgers and Tel Aviv Universities ’The field of project management has come a long way in the last quarter of a century in improving the quality of its research and the rigour of the research methodologies on which it is based. However, it stands accused of being very narrow now. Project management research is based on rigorous methodologies, but a very narrow range of methodologies are used. Having now built a firm base, project management research now needs to move out into new areas to broaden the topics that can be investigated and the ways they can be investigated. In that we can find new insights into the field. This book will make an extremely valuable contribution into opening up the research horizons of project management. I would also like to use chapters as readings on my research management courses.’ Rodney Turner, Professor of Project Management, Kingston Business School, UK ’This book is a tour de force on research designs, methods and practices. It covers a wide range of foundational aspects, general and specific research approaches, mixed methods strategies, unique environment settings and state-of-the-art tools, such as social media. All presented by renowned researchers. Clearly a must have for every project management researcher.’ Reinhard Wagner, IPMA Vice President for Research ’Project Management is an interdisciplinary discipline that adopts and integrates theories and practices from organization management/behavioral science and oper
Biographical note
Beverly Pasian is an active educator, researcher and association leader in the project management community - taking seriously the trio of roles she considers essential to a meaningful career in the academy. Beyond this book, various international research projects and publications and IPMA leadership roles, as Chair of the Dutch National Research Group, her priority is to bring the community's attention to the human factors of project management through the creation of an international research center in the Netherlands.