'The international recommended authors describe the global success-factors in return-to-work of ill workers answering the multi-disciplinary question: "Who must manage interventions when, how and with whom?" Focusing on abilities, the authors offer recommendations for single cases with frequent diagnosis, including mental illnesses, and for consensus-based structure inside and outside of enterprises. This book attracts attention to all stakeholders interested in strengthening work-force: Governments, employers, employees, insurers and service providers, who guide people with disabilities back to working-life.' Friedrich Mehrhoff, Dr jur. Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV) 'The articles in Disability Management and Workplace Integration are of great relevance to the ILO in its work to promote employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in line with international conventions and the International Labour Office code of practice on managing disability in the workplace. The emphasis on 'employer buy-in' as an area that requires greater policy focus is timely and will make a marked difference to policies of countries moving to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other international standards.' Barbara Murray, Senior Specialist, International Labour Office 'Disability management is increasingly being more broadly recognized as an imperative feature in effective efforts at retention of workers affected by illness or an accident that result in needed time away from work. Harder and Geisen have provided us with a broad view of these approaches from an international perspective, affording a truly unique perspective on disability management and its resulting longer term workplace benefits.' Susanne M. Bruyère, Professor of Disability Studies, Cornell University, USA