<p><strong>'This is the first time that the body of knowledge about Policing has been brought together in a single volume dictionary accessible to practitioner and member of public alike. It is a really welcome development.'</strong> −<strong> </strong><em>Paul Stephenson QPM, Deputy Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service </em></p><p><strong>'An indispensable reference for students, practitioners and leaders of modern British policing.'</strong> −<strong> </strong><em>Lawrence W. Sherman, Wolfson Professor of Criminology and Director, Police Executive Education, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge</em></p><p><strong>'Joining a police force can be an intimidating experience for anyone. The individual and unique language of policing, with its many acronyms and a subculture all of its own, can be off-putting to the uninitiated. That is why this dictionary is so necessary; this is an indispensable guide for anyone interested in, or part of, the police. The sheer breadth of this work provides a unique set for references not only for those within the police service itself, but also - and these days, ever more importantly - for those with a wider community safety and partnership remit. With more than 200 entries contributed by both practitioners and academics, this brings together the collected expertise of people at the top of their field.</strong><br /><br /><strong>It is vital in the modern police force that the leaders, and future leaders, of the police have a thorough understanding of the world we are operating in. Reference books such as this are essential in bringing together this overview, and I recommend this for anyone involved in police training or professional development.'</strong><em> −</em> <em>Sara Thornton QPM, Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police</em> </p><p><strong>'Tim Newburn and Peter Neyroud have gathered an impressivelist of authors, police practitioners and academics, to write the entries forthis commendably wide ranging Dictionary, which emphatically underscores the critical message that policing is about much more than the police.'</strong> − <em>Rod Morgan, Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Bristol and formerly Chairman, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales</em></p>
Biographical note
Tim Newburn
is Professor of Criminology and Director of the Mannheim Centre, London School of Economics, former President of the British Society of Criminology and an experienced and prolific author.Peter Neyroud is Chief Executive of the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA), and formerly Chief Constable of Thames Valley.