"This superb collection of essays presents a social constructionist analysis of why youth problems erupt when they do and how they evolve. This is an exceptionally well-written book that is destined to become a classic in Japanese studies and is a truly collaborative effort that benefits from a high degree of dialogue between the authors." - Jeff Kingston, Temple University Japan; The Japan Times, Sunday, May 20, 2012
"The approach adopted in this book is unique... A characteristic of this book that has not been seen in others is that it delves into the public discourse that explains youg people." - Yuji Genda, University of Tokyo; Journal of Japanese Studies 39.1, 2013.
Biographical note
Roger Goodman is Nissan Professor of Modern Japanese Studies and Head of the Social Science Division at the University of Oxford, UK.
Yuki Imoto is a Research Associate at Keio University, Japan.
Tuukka Toivonen is a Junior Research Fellow at Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, UK.