<p>"Sociology, contemporary cultural theory, linguistics and film meet once again in a text where fluid erudition and the anecdotal remain a characteristic of this compelling writer." -- <em>Film Waves</em><br />"Kant called example the 'go-cart of judgment.' His description can now be viewed as pre-Zizekian. This freshly expanded version of Enjoy Your Symptom! updates Kant, turning example into a whirling, dizzying, linear-logic defying turbo-jet of judgment. Pay attention to the title's imperative; it is a serious, all-out assault on theory's current obsession with an 'ethics of otherness'." -- Joan Copjec, author of <em>Read My Desire</em></p>
Biographical note
Slavoj Zizek is Research Fellow at the University of Ljubljana. He teaches and lectures frequently in the United States. Among his many books are Looking Awry and The Ticklish Subject.