A Yankee Book Peddler UK Core Title for 2013 '... the finest piece of scholarship yet written on any aspect of English Jesuit education and will long remain the definitive study of English Jesuit educational reform in the age of Enlightenment. The book is especially recommended to historians and students of European higher education, British Catholicism, the Catholic Enlightenment and the Society of Jesus. The author’s generous use of primary documents in his text, his analysis of the book culture at the Liège Academy, and his several appendices containing primary documents including the plan of studies for the suppressed Jesuit schools, all make this work an important tool for researchers.' H-France '... a good case ... one that is well-argued and referenced from original sources.' Recusant History '... this is an excellent and much-needed contribution to the internaÂtional literature on the history of education, well produced in both text and illustrations as well as in its general design. It combines the best attributes of traditional historical scholarship with the ambitious aspirations of new develÂopments in historical research in education, while also adding greatly to our historical understanding of the Jesuit movement as a whole.' Journal of Jesuit Studies