an excellent volume
T. K. Johansen, Journal of Hellenic Studies
admirable volume ... the quality of the contributions to the collection is high; they constitute a worthy tribute to a remarkable philosopher and teacher ... thought-provoking claims and more besides await the reader of this excellent collection.
Dana R. Miller, International Philosophical Quarterly
this volume offers 12 papers and a substantive introduction to the topic by one of the editors. All of the papers are by leading scholars in the field ... There is no comparable volume currently available. Consequently, this anthology should be purchased by all academic libraries supporting graduate programs in philosophy and classics.
This collection of papers by a group of first-rate ancient philosophers includes some very interesting and new material ... The quality of the papers is very high, and several of them are unquestionably important contributions to scholarship ... These largely excellent essays have much to contribute, I am sure, to our understanding of Greek thinking about rationality.
Christopher Gill, Classical Review
The individual contributions link to the central theme in many different ways; without exception they take issues of fundamental importance and discuss them in a way that all future interpreters will need to take into account.
Phronesis XLII/2
The editors have assembled a powerful team to explore the ancient philosophers' understanding of rationality ... All the essays are uniformly of high standard and together make a satisfying volume ... It would be a fine tribute to Patzig if this book inspired other scholars to continue the debate about whether ancient rationality was the same as ours.
Times Higher Education Supplement