’This wonderful collection provides a fitting tribute to the dynamism and diversity of contemporary feminist legal theory. Bringing together leading scholars, it achieves the admirable feat of simultaneously providing an authoritative and highly accessible introduction to a rich and evolving body of scholarship, whilst simultaneously advancing the field through numerous original insights. It deserves to be very widely read.’ Sally Sheldon, Kent Law School, UK ’This book is the essential companion for feminist or critical legal scholars seeking theoretically grounded, contemporary reflections on feminist legal thought. The chapters are a wonderful guide through key concepts and theoretical strands, introducing some of the foremost scholars in feminist (legal) thought, and, like all good companions, inviting an ongoing conversation about the directions and possibilities of feminist legal scholarship.’ Doris Buss, Carleton University, Canada ’This book will be a wise and feisty companion to all explorers of feminist legal theory. It offers readers not only fresh perspectives on familiar feminist debates about law, but also steers them securely in uncharted territory. The Companion manages all this in sparkling and accessible style, without glossing over the complexities of and contradictions in the field.’ Hilary Charlesworth, Australian National University, Australia