<p>"<strong>Comprising essays by a group of international scholars on a variety of critical issues in the world of ability, disability, sport, and adapted physical activity, this book provides comprehensive, historically based coverage...A thematic or conceptual approach to designing and presenting tasks allows for an array of 'correct' responses and the opportunity to refine movement patterns and broaden the movement repertoire." This speaks to the beauty of this timely book, which not only provides definitions and applications but also looks at the challenges of determining how best to serve the individual and at what still needs to be done--i.e., at how far one can go in terms of ethics. Summing Up: Recommended."</strong> – <em>Choice, July 2010</em> </p><p><strong>"They take a closer look at how today's technology can make certain disabilities an advantage to the athlete due to more refined prostheses, lighter wheelchairs, etc. This blurs the picture of who is dis-abled or too-abled, and using terms that could come straight out of a general doping discussion it is argued that it challenges part of the internal logic of sport: equality."</strong> – <em>Kenneth Aggerholm Department of Sport Science, University of Aarhus </em><strong>"Ethics, Disability and Sports academic heterogeneity entails that the papers included will be differently relevant to diverse types of readers. Nevertheless, there is undoubtedly in this volume relevant information for philosophical debate critically important for the ethical development of APA and disability sport, especially in what concerns the protection of the central values of self-determination and personal agency. I recommend this book to all researchers, practitioners, and students who wish to contribute to this development."</strong><em> – Carla Filomena Silva, Loughborough University, Published in Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly</em></p>
This volume addresses a range of philosophical and ethical issues in adapted physical activity and disability sports participation more broadly. It is comprised of a range of essays by international scholars whose backgrounds embrace different traditions of philosophy, pedagogy and adapted physical activity.
The principal aim of the symposium was to open up and critically explore a range of conceptual and ethical issues and perspectives that have arisen with respect to the engagement of persons with dis/abilities in a range of physical activity contexts including, but not exclusively located in, mainstream sporting activities.
This book was published as a special issue in Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.
1. Introduction: Philosophy, Adapted Physical Activity and Dis/ability Ejgil Jespersen and Mike McNamee 2. Disability or Extraordinary Talent—Francesco Lentini (Three Legs) Versus Oscar Pistorius (No Legs) Ivo van Hilvoorde and Laurens Landeweerd 3. Should Oscar Pistorius Be Excluded from the 2008 Olympic Games? S.D. Edwards 4. Tackling Murderball: Masculinity, Disability and the Big Screen Michael Gard and Hayley Fitzgerald 5. Imagining Being Disabled Through Playing Sport: The Body and Alterity as Limits to Imagining Others’ Lives Brett Smith 6. Ethical Considerations in Adapted Physical Activity Practices Yeshayahu Hutzler 7. Self-regulated Dependency: Ethical Reflections on Interdependence and Help in Adapted Physical Activity Donna L. Goodwin 8. Conversion Gait Disorder—Meeting Patients in Behaviour, Reuniting Body and Mind Anika A. Jordbru, Ejgil Jespersen and Egil Martinsen 9. Celebrating the Insecure Practitioner. A Critique of Evidence-based Practice in Adapted Physical Activity Øyvind F. Standal 10. The ‘I’ of the Beholder: Phenomenological Seeing in Disability Research Christina Papadimitriou 11. The Remarkable Logic of Autism: Developing and Describing an Embedded Curriculum Based in Semiotic Phenomenology Maureen Connolly 12. Ethical Aspects in Research in Adapted Physical Activity Anne-Mette Bredahl
Biographical note
Ejgil Jespersen is former Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Education at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, having served as Head of Department there from 2004 - 2008.
Mike McNamee is a Professor of Applied Ethics at the Department of Philosophy, History and Law, School of Health Science at Swansea University. In the field of publishing, with Routledge, he is the series editor of Ethics and Sport and the journal editor of Sport, Ethics and Philosophy. He is a former President of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport and the Founding Chair of the British Philosophy of Sport Association. He is a member of the Clinical Ethics Committee at Cardiff and Vale National Health Service Trust, UK.